A downloadable game

 Welcome to our technical demo! Please leave feedback and join our social media to help us improve Project Solar for it's final release!


Project Solar is an open-world puzzle adventure game where you play as R.A.Y, a robot with a damaged memory core. Navigate a mysterious, expansive world, solving puzzles to uncover clues about your surroundings and the events that led to your current state. Embark on a journey of discovery and restoration, piecing together your lost memories and finding out what truly happened.

Explore a beautiful environment with hints on what has happened before you.

Solve puzzles to find clues and get further into the world!

Enjoy an open world with a fantastic scenery and chill music to follow you on your adventure!

-Controls: Use WASD to move and the mouse to look around E for use and Left mouse to push and right to pull if you have what's needed.

Follow us on Social Media for updates!


REMEMBER! This is a technical demo and a WIP! Things will change and not everything in the demo will be in the final release! You will run into a bugs and unpolished areas, this is part of the experience!

Updated 15 hours ago
Published 4 days ago
StatusIn development
Rated 4.8 out of 5 stars
(6 total ratings)
GenrePuzzle, Adventure
Tags3D, demo, free, Procedural Generation, Robots, Sci-fi, solar-punk


Project Solar Technical demo 1.2 .zip 969 MB

Install instructions

-Installation: Download the zip open it and go into the folder Windows then play the Project solar Exe

Development log


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This is amazing! You guys really outdid yourselves!

thank you for those fine words!


The animation, environment design and colours are beautiful. You did well.

thank you! don't forget to follow the development on our social media for the full release!


love the demo! fun puzzles, collectibles etc.

We are glad you liked it! Thanks for the feedback!


Can't wait to get to know my lil quadpod in more puzzles in the future and see what additional battery levels might do. I'm very much ready to be airborne!

Thank you for the great feedback! We promise the final release won't dissapoint!


The art is Awesome

thank you! I will forward this to our artist that worked hard on finding this style for the game!