A Message From the Devs

Hi, i am Pöta and i am the CEO aswell as Game Designer as-well as helping out with; Programming, Sound Designer and 2D art for Project Solar! Yes, we are a team of 8 very talented individuals that do a little bit of everything .   From me and the team , thank you for all the wonderful feedback! And to everyone who has played the demo, thank you 🙏 

This post is a little update on what is happening with the project!

the demo you are playing is what will become the starter area / tutorial and the final release will include a new world that you enter seamlessly from the tutorial area. This world will roughly be 4x times the size of the intro area and feature loads of new puzzles and environment . 

Atm we are working on refining the demo for a competition here in our home country called Swedish Game Awards and while we are doing that the work on the rest of the game is slowed down atleast during June/July. Also it’s summertimes so the team is working less hours.

We are super excited to release the full game to everyone and we hope to have it done by Q1 2025! And also! A steam page will be up very soon for everyone to wishlist and get the new updated demo!

Again! Thank you so much for all feedback and bugs you have found and we are looking forward to seeing more of you on the discord to talk about how we can make the final product an even cooler game! With your suggestions and feedback, let’s make the best game we can! 

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