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This is really up my alley. Do you have plans to release this on other os or consoles? I don´t own a windows machine anymore...

We havent fully decided yet but we may release the game for Mac and/or Linux too, so check back in the coming weeks and months and we will have confirmed if we do!


That would be greatly appreciated. Thanks for considering it. <3



Might be world record! Well done and thanks for playing!


Thank you! I really like this game.


I got recommended the trailer for this game on YouTube and was immediately enchanted by the art style and harshness of the animations. Absolutely overjoyed to have played it and really hope the developers get the chance to make something bigger of this all. This was the first time in a dungeon crawler like this where I've actually experienced a sense of panic and time pressure. Obviously there are some bugs, but for something bite-sized like this it's no surprise to see some issues. Nothing game breaking, though the rotation of the rooms not updating on the map made it much more difficult (which arguably was not a bad thing and turned out to be more immersive). All-in-all, I will absolutely be recommending this to friends to play!

Super glad that you enjoyed the game! And thank you for the feedback! We will be working out bugs and other improvements in the coming weeks and months!

(1 edit) (+1)

So... how can i move forward without a sword in green area? Invisible potion don't work(((

By the way, great game! I love it


Glad that you enjoyed the game! & thank you for bringing this potion bug to our attention! It should still possible to move around in the green area and getting the key without it, you just have to be very careful with your movements. Thank you for your feedback!

the game seems really fun but it needs some serious bug fixing rn

Thanks for trying our game! We will be working on a more polished version in the coming weeks and months

agreed, i get a lot of input lag when navigating rooms and outright cant move in some early sections, as well as not knowing how much money i have at times and losing all my money suddenly despite not dying


I really like the game. It's obviously in its early stages, as I played only 5 minutes and the game bugged so bad I had to alt+f4, but I can see the huge effort it took to make. The game looks very promising, I'm sure it will get even better!

Thank you for trying out our game! We will be working on solving bugs and updating the game to a more polished state in the coming weeks and months!

(3 edits) (+2)

I love the game, but it started getting buggy at the start of the third night. The rooms being displayed stopped matching the game's internal logic. This is probably from activating the switch that rotates one of the rooms. I think you have to sleep for this bug to begin happening. I couldn't pass through doors and could pass through walls because the game seemed to think I was in another location. Also, when I put my sword in the stone to open the sword door, when I died, I would seemingly spawn without the sword? I could get it if I interacted with the stone again. But it's possible that it was just sheathed and I needed to press down arrow to get it out again. This isn't explained in the game. Also, when the game started getting buggy, talking to the NPC at the entrance shows that the number of gold we need to collect is "1", but I had 24 gold (even though I collected much more than that) and I couldn't hand it over.

I think the game is very engrossing but you need to work out the bugs.

We will be looking into this bug where your position isn't matching the visuals! The door guy is supposed to ask for 10k gold so the text probably bugged out so we will take a look into that! and yes if you die after leaving your sword in the stone it comes back to your inventory but bugs out so you won't see it unless you pull it out again. Thank you for the feedback, we will take a look into these bugs you've reported! And glad that you enjoyed the game!

(1 edit) (+1)

Could not progress past first enemy, I hide torch and walk forward and it instakills me?

Appears to be more text cut off I cannot see for hints, this is on ultrawide monitor.


Did you find and pick up the sword? Because you need the sword to be able to kill the enemies

(4 edits)

i really like the aesthetics.

ran into a bug pretty quick though. i drew the sword and approached the first enemy without light. i couldnt attack. i turned into a few directions and then advanced towards the enemy. the light went on and the fight started. i had just figured out how to block when the enemy stopped attacking. maybe i was a bit quick on the buttons. holding esc didnt work. the only key that seemed to still work was the clock.

the second time i went there with light, but didnt draw the sword. the enemy started attacking me, but i didnt seem to die. 

third time i left my sword behind at the stone and ran into the fool. i walked a different direction and when the fool alerted the master i heard a sound and the screen shaked. after that i could not move.

fourth: tried to reproduce 1, then 3. i could move after the sound, but ran into the axe guy. instead of killing me as i had no sword, i landed in bed after the attack. 

looking forward for updates.

(1 edit) (+1)

Thank you for letting us know! You can contact me on Discord @aagneess to talk further if you have the time to pin-point when you experienced these bugs, if not - we're happy that you played our game and appreciate your input!


BUG: I don't know exactly how it happened, but after I pulled the second lever to rotate the floor, I couldn't enter certain areas, and after a few tries of moving from room to room, I entered a room with a chest and the room turned into the view of my character. So whenever I moved, rotated, or moved to another room, I could see the chest room's layout only, with a transparent wall that let me see other doors and whatnot. I am not 100% sure how it happened.


Anyways, AWESOME game, I love it! I love the environmental sounds and the artstyle. It really brings me a lot of memories from playing this type of games on the NDS.


Glad that you liked the game! Thank you for the feedback, we will take a look into this bug!

ditto. It seems to fuck up the map. Not sure if it's immediate or you have to die or sleep for the bug to happen.


Hello! Game looks great. I tried to play but on my monitor (5120 x 2160) all the text was off the bottom of the screen. I didn't see an option to run it windowed. Thanks!


Thanks for bringing that to our attention, we'll try to fix it in the next update!

(1 edit) (+1)

Encountered a bug right in the tutorial, after opening the safe room I couldn't go anywhere but there and the room where the key to it was. As I found out on a second try, the way to the shop was also bugged so that I was accessing it right from the safe room, therefore I couldn't get the sword either. 

Another one I just got in the tutorial as well is that in the first enemy room I couldn't take out the sword? The guy just kept hitting me and I wasn't able to do anything despite having the sword already...

I think it would also make sense if there was a pause menu on ESC? It's weird that you have to hold it and that it only closes the game and you can't exit to main menu...

I really like the sound and visuals and all though! It's pretty cool and I'm enjoying it so far!!!


So I played it a little more and this weird bug persists, looks like the game does not render the rooms properly for me and shows doors where they should not be and does not show them where they are and whatsoever, really weird... I hope this gets figured out, it's game breaking for me :(

Thank you for the feedback we will make sure to try and fix those bugs when we next update the game!



me encanto el juego

me encantaria mas que este en español :C


Found a bug:
If you pick up the sword while you have the clock out, you are stuck in the tutorial. It doesn't allow you to put your clock away.

Thank you for reporting this bug, we will make sure to fix it!


Really cool! I'm truly amazed at how, even though each idea was small, you managed to make every little thing feel really lore rich and alive. The aesthetic was super strong. Loved it all.

I ran into some bugs that were breaking enough that they caused me to restart a couple of times.

To reproduce:

  1. Start a new game
  2. Navigate to the 3 Key door. Face the door.
  3. Turn left to face north
  4. Repeatedly press W until you've finished entering the next room. If done correctly the walking animation should play twice, when only moving once.
  5. Do this until you get to the end of this corridor (you may not double the walking animation every time, that's ok)
  6. Turn around to face south.
  7. Walk normally down the hall, to the other end, past the 3 key door
  8. You should see that the room changes color incorrectly.
  9. If you now try to navigate normally, now, you should see that you cannot always walk through doors that you visually should be able to.

I got the vibe that it was something to do with some index being shifted visually, but not somewhere else. I also saw something similar when fighting the tutorial guard, and in the item shop, though I wasn't able to reproduce those. Both of them seemed to involve me "pressing buttons too soon", like mashing the swing button, or navigating through items too quickly.


I wrote a lot about the bug, but the main takeaway is that this is cool as hell. Really really nice, y'all

Glad you enjoyed the game! And thank you very much for the feedback and for reporting this bug! We will take a look into it


Hey dev, I found an absolutely game breaking bug. Was recording this game earlier and about 20 minutes in, as I was fiddling with a lever, I proceeded to break the game so hard I could go through walls, all of my buttons stopped behaving and even holding esc to exit was not working. I honestly don't even know exactly how to explain it but since the video itself is only coming out in about a week (I recorded it in preparation for a trip), if there was any way to contact the devs to send them a snippet of the footage, showing the bug, that'd be great. Cause it'd be really unfortunate if other people also ended up completely losing their progress due to this glitch, specially when the game is so unique and cool.

Thank you for notifying us about this bug! You can send the footage to me on discord: @legendz05 and we will look into it!


I'm really enjoying this game, but I keeping encountering a bug where the graphics become misaligned with where you are on the map. Can you look into it please? 

Glad you liked it! We will take a look at the bug!


Very fun and short experience! Reminds me of a sort of pocket version of Legend of Grimrock. Lots of potential here if the dev decides to pursue

Thank you for the feedback and glad you enjoyed it!


so great, from the visuals, to the audio, to te simple yet enthralling gameplay, truly a small gem

Thank you for trying out our game and glad you liked it!


Aesthetic, gripping, satisfying

Thank you for playing our game and rating it! Glad you liked it!


Very nice! Love the graphic and animation work.

My only complain would be the font not resizing well to the game's base resolution, 320x200 (true?). Else it would look amazing on a crt

(1 edit)

Thank you for the feedback, glad you liked it! The issue with the font is something we will take a look at!


Gave it a Let's Play, fun little dungeon crawler :D Simple but good. 


Thanks a lot for playing, hope you enjoyed!


Great game, incredible animation work

The gameplay loop reminds me of ye old Adventure for the Atari

Thank you for playing! 



Thanks for playing our game, glad you liked it!


I've not seen a game like this since "Dungeons of Daggorath". I always wondered what the game would look like if it was remastered and Greed & Darkness fits so well. 5 stars all around.

Thank you for playing and for leaving such a good rating! 


Your game is like a wonderful woven tapestry. Unique mechanics, monsters, and map design- i love how the player interacts with a dungeon square. You can feel the care for this game tied into the music and animation style too! so cool!

Thank you for playing our game! I’m really glad you liked it!

I include some gameplay of it in this video, and if you vote for it on my channel and it wins indie game of the month, I'll 3D print a monster or a scene from the game for you:)

Your video was a really fun watch! Thanks for reviewing it :)

hey Figgo,

wanted to let you know that your game advanced to round 2 in my series for best indie horror of january. You and friends can vote on it on my yt community page starting at 6pm est!


Very interesting game overall. I got lost a few times before I got the compass. So an idea you could have is have a potion that last 5-10 turns that shows where you are on the map and make it somewhat on the expensive side so that people would have to get the compass first, but still be able to use the location pot just to see where they are. Just a thought on that. But beyond that, game's interesting overall. I'd put it on steam imho.

Here's my channel for other games I have played.


Thank you very much for the feedback! Glad you enjoyed the game!





very cool game! 

Thank you!


Very interesting game! Thanks!


Thanks for playing!


10/10 experience!


best game ever!!!!

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